Installation Questions
Q. How are window tints installed?
A. Installing window tint is one of the easiest do-it-yourself projects there is. Tinting is installed using some basic tools and a soap and water mixture. Instructions are available on our website. Go to our learning center for basic and detailed installation instructions.
Q. Can anyone install window tint?
A. Follow the instructions provided on IdealTint.com and you can produce a quality installation. There are many things that could lead to a poor installation so take your time and be patient. At the end of your project your skills will have improved and you can go back and redo any windows you think you could improve with any left over tint.
Q. How does the tint attach to my windows?
A. Window tint is designed to be applied directly to the surface of glass. Before the tint can be applied the window and frames must be cleaned using a soap and water mixture and razor blade scraper. After cleaning, the window is sprayed with a soap and water mixture. The tint is positioned and a squeegee is used to remove excess water. The edges are trimmed to within 1/8th inch around the edge of the frame and a final squeegee pass is used to remove water and dry the edges.
Q. Can old window tint be removed?
A. Yes, old tint can be removed. Simply start by trying to peel the tint off from one corner and pull it downward off the glass. After the tint is removed scrape any adhesive left behind using soap and water mixture and razor blade scraper. Some tint will not peel off easily so scrape it off with a razor blade scraper. Once the tint is off go back over the glass with the soap and water mixture and razorblade to remove any remaining adhesive.
Q. What tools do I need to install the tint?
A. You will need tools to clean the glass, cut the tint, squeegee the tint and spray the soap and water solution. You can find the tools locally at a hardware store or you can order individual tools or tool kits or on our Shopping page.
Q. How long will it take to finish my project?
A. Most residential installations can be completed in one day. If you are doing a large installation or French panes, it will take longer. Most residential applications can be completed in one day.
Q. Can I put tint on dual-paned windows?
A. Yes, window tint is safe on dual pane windows. Most of our tints are safe on dual pane windows, but there are some tints that are not approved for dual pane windows. Tints not approved for dual pane windows are identified as single pane only.
Q. Can window tint be installed on low E windows?
A. Yes, but careful consideration must be taken prior to determining tint type. Most low E windows consist of dual pane glass where the low E surface faces the air space between the panes. Window tint can be installed on this type window. The type of window tint you choose for low E glass, or any window, requires careful consideration before making a final decision.
Q. Is window tint installed on the inside or the outside of the glass?
A. Our objective is to make shopping and installing window tint quick and easy so we only sell window tints made for interior installations. There are tints designed to be installed on the exterior surface of windows, but because they are rarely used, more work to install, and they don’t last as long as interior tints, we do not offer them. Only our anti-graffiti tint is approved for outside installation.
Q. How do I remove the clear protective liner from the tint?
A. You can find various methods in our instructions under our Learning Center. Professionals roll the tint and separate the liner with their teeth. An easy way for the DIY is to separate the liner from tint is using two pieces of scotch tape and sticking them on opposite sides of the tint facing each other at one corner then quickly pulling them apart. The liner will separate from the tint. The adhesive surface is then exposed. Wet the adhesive surface as you peel away the liner. The tint will stick to itself if it is not wet and it will be nearly impossible to separate without ruining the tint.
Q. What do I do with the liner once it is removed?
A. Throw it away with any other scraps or waste from the installation. The liner and tint scraps are recyclable.
Q. Is overspray from the soap and water solution harmful?
A. The solution is a soap and water mixture. Simply dry it up off any surface you overspray. Use drop cloths to cover carpet and furniture not easily moved to help prevent possible harm. Place an old bath towel on the window sill to absorb excess water during the installation.
Q. How long does it take for window tint to dry?
A. Under typical weather conditions tint will dry completely within 30 days. During the curing process, your tint may have a hazy appearance or small water pockets usually not seen unless you are looking for them. These will disappear as the tint dries. Depending on the type of tint and weather conditions drying may take as little as a few days or as much as 60 days.

Q. What is the difference between air bubbles and water bubbles?
A. Air bubbles are caused from improper squeegee technique or not applying enough soap and water solution during install. If air is trapped from improper installation, carefully peel the tint back to the bubble spraying with water as you pull the tint off the glass. Lay the tint back down and reinstall following the installation instructions. Do not lift the tint off the glass unless absolutely necessary. It may let in contamination.
Water bubbles are pockets of water trapped under the tint during in installation or which collects after the tint is installed and begins to dry. In most cases this should disappear in 30 days after the day of installation depending on the weather.
Q. Why do I need to trim a gap around the tint edge?
A. The gap is necessary for the tint to lay flat on the glass. If the tint is not trimmed properly "fingers" will appear along the edge and they will allow dirt under the tint. The five way tool is a good guide for beginners to use to trim the tint. It will create an appropriate gap between the tint edge and window frame. A hard card or credit card can also be used to create the gap. The gap should be no greater than 1/8". It also allows adequate room for the glass to expand and contract, as it warms and cools within the window frame and for water to be pushed out with the squeegee.
Q. Why do I see specs under the tint?
A. The specs you see are inherent in window tint installation. Even a professional can not get particle-free application. Any dust or dirt under the frame or in the atmosphere can get caught between the tint and glass and it will appear as specs. Usually it is concentrated along the top and sides and more visible from the exterior than interior. If you look out your window as you normally do it is undetectable. If you look for dirt or “contamination” you will find it.
Q. Can window tint be installed on oval or round windows?
A. Yes. Arches circles and ovals are more challenging but can be tinted.
Q. What if my window is larger than the tint size?
A. If you have a window larger than the tint size you will need to seam the tint by overlapping two edges. Make sure to overlap the same factory edge over itself. Some trainers tell you to trim the tint along the seam but cutting a straight line that long is difficult and this method leaves a visible light gap. Instead, overlap the tint by 1/8”- 3/16” and be careful when you squeegee along the edge making sure to not squeegee across the seam as you could lift and damage the tint edges. Make your seam either above eye-level, across the bottom of the window, or horizontally behind the side where the blinds stack up.
Q. Can you install tint on top of tint?
A. No. Do not install tint on top of tint. The only time you can or should is when you are seaming two edges by a fraction on a large pane.
Q. Can I put window tint on my skylight?
A. Yes, however handling tint on a ladder is more challenging. Consider safety when applying tint to windows that requires you to stand on a ladder and work overhead. You should be cautious and work with a partner when using a ladder.
Q. Can I install tint in a humid, wet environment like a bathroom?
A. Yes, if installing on a shower door install the tint on the outside of the shower door.
Q. How do I clean the windows after the tint is installed?
A. After thirty days you can clean your windows as you normally would with any household strength window cleaning solution. Soap and water solution with a soft cloth and squeegee are best. Abrasive products that can scratch or damage the tint should not be used.
Q. Can your tints be installed on Plexiglas, Polycarbonate or Acrylic?
A. No.
Q. Can window tint be installed on textured glass?
A. No, the surface must be totally flat and smooth for the tint to correctly adhere.
General Questions about Tinting
Q. What are the top 5 reasons for installing window tinting?
A. The top five reasons for installing window tint are: Reduce UV, cut glare, reduce heat, slow fading, and increase privacy.
Q. What are the benefits of window tint?
A. Solar control window tint rejects the sun’s harsh solar energy, reduces solar heat gain and improves interior comfort. It keeps interior temperatures cooler in summer and warmer in winter saving money and energy. It cuts air conditioning costs by reducing usage, wear and tear and maintenance expenses. It reduces glare, which improves the view to the outside, and UV rays entering buildings through the windows. UV radiation is linked to certain cancers and is harmful to human eyes. Reducing UV rays helps reduce fading of interior furnishings like carpet, draperies, wood, artwork and merchandise. It provides outstanding daytime privacy. It is an attractive accent to home and business windows. Window tint improves the shatter resistance of glass giving increased safety for your family, friends or tenants and offering you peace of mind. Anti-graffiti tint acts as a barrier against scratching, spray paint and etched graffiti. It can be installed on exterior windows, restroom mirrors, elevator doors, glass, and other similar flat/smooth surface.

Q. Why is there a difference in price between Ideal Tint and the tint I can get at a hardware store?
A. Ideal sells professional quality window tinting made to last. They are all the highest quality window tints available. Our tints are made by a world class manufacturer using premium quality materials and state of the art processes. They are distortion free with optical clarity superior to any consumer grade tints you will find at home improvement stores. They are guaranteed against cracking, peeling, discoloration and delaminating. The differences between professional and consumer quality tints are considerable.
Q. How do solar control window tints work?
A. Solar control window tint works by reducing the amount of solar heat energy transmitted through the window glass by increasing the solar reflectance and heat absorption properties of the window.
Q. Why does the tint feel warm on hot days?
A. The tint is working to stop heat from entering a building. It works by reflecting heat and absorbing heat. The heat you feel on your glass is heat that was previously entering your building unobstructed. The absorbed heat is redistributed by being radiated out and some is radiated in while some transfers from the glass to the frame and walls. The less heat a tint absorbs the less hot the window will feel.
Q. What is the difference between heat reflected and heat rejected?
A. Reflected refers to how much heat is reflected. Rejected refers to how much total heat is blocked. Some heat is absorbed into the glass. The amount of heat absorbed + reflected = total heat rejected.
Q. What is the average energy pay back for solar control window tints?
A. Paybacks typically range in the 2-5 year period. The return on investment depends on many factors: the amount of sunlit glass exposure, the type of glass, type tint applied, the cost of fuel, and the cost of tint/installation.

Q. Can window tinting help reduce the glare on my TV screen and/or computer monitor?
A. Yes. Window tint is an excellent solution for reducing glare on TV screens and computer monitors. The darker the tint is the greater the glare reduction.
Q. Will window tint stop interior fading?
A. Fading of interior furnishings is caused by UV rays, heat, visible light, artificial lighting, humidity, and the quality of the fabric dye. Nothing does a better job to reduce fading than window tint, but nothing will completely stop fading. Window tint is an effective way to reduce fading in comparison to untreated glass, but will not completely eliminate 100% of the damaging effects of the sun. Depending on the type of window tint you choose you can reduce the major causes of interior fading by as much as 70%.
Q. Will window tint kill my houseplants?
A. In most cases if a house plant is already receiving adequate light the use of window tint will not harm it. Some plants may go into shock as they adjust to the light change, but other plants may do better with tint on the windows. Allow the plant to adapt to the new amount of light over time. If the plant is used to full sun and you install a dark tint simply give the plant some natural light by opening a window at appropriate times to give it more sunlight. Over time the plant should adapt to the new environment.
Q. Will solar control tint give me privacy at night?
A. No. No solar control window tint can give night time privacy. You will always be able to see through to the lighter side of glass. At night you will be able to see in from the outside if the lights are on inside. Some of our dual reflective tints have the advantage of very low interior reflectance which allows some visibility out at night however the view out is a darkened by the low visible light transmission.

Q. Will the decorative tints give me privacy during the day, as well as the night?
A. Yes, our decorative tints will give you privacy day and night. If have the light on inside at night you might see silhouettes only when near the glass.
Q. Will window tint ruin the view?
A. The view is improved by window tint through the reduction in glare. A dark tint may reduce the view from the outside looking in during the day but the same is not true when looking from the inside out. Human eyes adjust to the amount of light entering them allowing us to see well even in reduced light.
Q. Will my windows be darker after tinting?
A. Yes. Your home’s interior will be more shaded and less sun drenched. The primary goal of window tint is to cut heat and glare. This is accomplished by reducing the amount of solar energy in the form of light and heat entering your home. The amount of shading will depend on the amount of visible light transmission (VLT) of the tint you choose. The greater the visible light reduction the greater the heat and glare reduction, the darker the interior. High windows often require the use of a tint with a lower visible light transmission because of the intense heat and glare entering through them. Light tints will have little effect on the amount of interior light and also have less effect reducing heat.
Q. Is there tint available that reduce heat without making my windows look reflective?
A. The best tints for reducing heat will have reflectance. Some tints reflect less than others but usually perform less well too. If you want to remove a lot of heat some reflectance is a necessary trade off, but we have some dark neutral tints with very little reflectance you may consider.
Q. Should I have tint put on all of my windows or only those facing the sun?
A. For maximum benefit all sun-facing windows should be treated. If some windows receive less direct sun a lighter tint can be applied for protection and uniformity. Glare that wasn’t noticed before becomes more apparent when adjacent window are not treated. All windows let in UV rays. Reflected light enters windows producing glare and allowing heat gain whether they directly face the sun or not. If fading is a concern you should apply window tint on all the windows.
Q. Will window tint cause glass to break?
A. No, window tint does not cause glass to break. The application of window tint will increase the temperature of your sunlit glass which increases stress of the glass edges. The quality of the glass edges and several other factors (external shading, interior shading, glass history, type of tint, size/shape of glass, indoor/outdoor temperature, partial shading of windows from overhangs, tightly fitting drapes or blinds, signs or decals on windows, heating and cooling vents directed at glass) all contribute to the potential risk of glass breakage. If a glass cracks after window tint application it already had a flaw and the additional heat absorption from the tint increases pressure on the susceptible point. This is a rare occurrence. Listed below are some types of glass or conditions where the use of a solar control window tint is not recommended without extreme caution:
- Single pane glass larger than 100 square feet.
- Double pane glass larger than 40 square feet.
- Clear glass thicker than 3/8 inch.
- Tinted glass thicker than 1/4 inch.
- Window framing systems of concrete, solid aluminum, or solid steel.
- Glass where sealant or glazing compound has hardened visibly.
- Chipped, cracked or otherwise damaged glass.
- Reflective, wired, textured or patterned glass.
- Triple pane glass.
- Laminated glass windows.
Q. Will solar control window tint protect glass against breakage?
A. Any tint is better than no tint, but solar control tints are not specifically designed for this protection. There are solar safety tints available that are designed to provide protection against shattered glass. If shattered glass is a concern safety tints are available through special order. If you are interested in solar-safety tint, contact us for assistance.
Q. What happens if I scratch the tint?
A. Minor scratches do not require replacement of the tint. Deep scratches that damage the tint may make it is necessary to replace it. The Tint can be removed and replaced quite easily.
Q. How do I remove adhesive and paint from tint?
A. There is no good way to move paint and adhesives. Adhesives like tape or stickers applied to tint will likely cause damage when you attempt to remove them. Cover the window tint the best you can when painting to prevent drips or overspray from getting on the tinted surface.
Q. What is the width size of tint rolls?
A. The standard roll widths are 36", 48", 60" and 72". Not all tints are available in all widths.
Warranty Questions
Q. How long will tint last?
A. Window tints can last 20 years or more and still look good and work well. Your window tint was designed to outlast the manufacturer’s warranty. By the time your window tint needs replaced it will have paid for itself many times over in money savings from lower utility costs.
Q. What kind of warranty do you give?
A. Our tints come with a warranty against color change, peeling, cracking, crazing, adhesive failure and delaminating. Our residential customers receive a limited lifetime warranty and commercial installations have up to 12 years warranty. Anti-graffiti tints come with a 1 year warranty for exterior applications. Our warranty assures that you will be fully satisfied with our products for as long as you live in your home. There is absolutely no charge to you if the product is under warranty and needs to be replaced.
Ordering & Shipping FAQ's
Q. Do you cut the tint to any size?
A. No. We offer lengths of 25’, 50’, 75’, and full rolls of 100’ in widths of 36”, 48’, 60” and 72” supplied in one continuous piece. Not all tints are available in every width.
Q. Are free samples available?
A. Yes, free samples are available. You may order up to 3 free samples per project.
Q. What is your Shipping Policy?
A. Orders received are processed and shipped within 1-2 business days. Orders originate from Texas or California. Please allow 1-6 business days to receive your order. You will receive an email with tracking number to track your shipment.
Q. Does my order qualify for free shipping?
A. All orders receive free shipping. All prices listed on our website include applicable sales tax and free shipping to locations within the continental United States.
Q. What is your Return/Refund Policy?
A. Only full 100 foot unopened rolls are returnable for a full refund. Cut roll orders of 75’, 50’ or 25’ are non-returnable and non-refundable. If you wish to return a full roll of our product contact us by email with your order number and request a Return Material Authorization (RMA) number within 30 days of receipt of your order. We will reply to you with an RMA number for the return. A refund for the price of the tint will be made if it is returned to us in usable condition. Returned orders will be charged a $30.00 return service charge. No refunds will be made if the merchandise has been cut or if it is in less-than-perfect condition. When returning an item please make sure it is in new condition, securely wrapped, and include the original packing slip, RMA and copy of invoice. Send insured and postage-paid to: Ideal Tint, Attn: Returns, 3681 Sunnyside Drive, #21186, Riverside, CA 92516.
Q. What is your Cancellation Policy?
A. To make changes to your order or to cancel your order, please contact us at as soon as possible prior to your order being shipped. A full credit will be issued for your order providing it has not been cut or shipped.
Q. What payment methods do you accept?
A. We accept Visa, Master Card, Discover, American Express and PayPal.